Nov 25, 2007

Creating a stylish green logo.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial.

click on images to see their original size!

Learn to create a stylish green logotype.

Let’s start with opening a new document 350x200px. Create a new layer, and fill it with this gradient:

Now, take a text tool, and write whatever you want. I’ve wrote a “STYLISH LOGO” words, using a Agency FB font, bold, 45 pt. Leave some space between the words:

Now, apply the following effects to our text layer:

That is what you must get:

Now, take the Custom Shape Tool, and draw a star shape:

Apply to it the following settings:

That is what we must get:

Now, Ctrl+click on a layer icon to select it, go to Select > Modify > Contract by 1 px, press ok.

Create a new layer, take a Gradient tool wit the following settings:

And drag it from a different sides of our star. That is what we must get:

Now, again go to Select > Modify > Contract by 1 px, create a new layer, take a gradient tool from white to transparency, and drag it from upper left side of our star to its center. Press Ctrl+D to deselect.

Now, duplicate our star layer. Delete all effects in a duplicated layer, send him behind all layers except background, press Ctrl+T to transform it, and make it bigger, as it is shown. After that, change its Opacity to 7%. That’s it!

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Oct 13, 2007

Creating photorealistic waves in Flash.

Flash Tutorial

click on images to see their original size


Let’s start with taking a picture of sunset, like this one:

Save it as a sky.jpg

After that, open it in photoshop, and go to Edit – Transform > Flip vertical. Save this image as a “water”

Each of our two images is 406x172 px,.

Now, open Flash, and create a new document 400x330 px.

Press Ctrl+R (import), and import a sky.jpg file. Plase it in the upper part of our document, make sure it is selected, press F8 to make it movie clip, name it sky_mc.

Create new layer, press again Ctrl+R, import water.jpg file, place it under “sky” picture, also convert it to movie clip, and name it as a water_mc. Put the layer under the sky layer.

Create new layer, out of document draw a rectangle (400 px with) and paint it with a gradient from white to black. Make sure it is selected, press F8 to convert it to movie clip and name it as a gradient_mc.

Now click on each image, and check their names here:

After that, create a new layer, press F9, and in the window that appeared – paste this script.

var w = water_mc._width;
var h = water_mc._height;
ripple = new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h);
ripple3 = new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h / 2);
ripple2 = new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h / 4);
ripple1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h / 4);
gradient = new flash.display.BitmapData(ripple.width, ripple.height);
gradient.draw(gradient_mc, new flash.geom.Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0));
gradient_mc._visible = false;
offset3 = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0);
offset2 = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0);
offset1 = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0);
speed1 = -0.300000;
speed2 = -0.600000;
speed3 = -1.200000;
pt = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0);
rect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, ripple.width, ripple.height);
this.onEnterFrame = function ()
offset1.y = offset1.y + speed1;
offset2.y = offset2.y + speed2;
offset3.y = offset3.y + speed3;
ripple3.perlinNoise(0, 15, 1, seed, true, true, 1, true, [offset3]);
ripple2.perlinNoise(0, 10, 1, seed, true, true, 1, true, [offset2]);
ripple1.perlinNoise(0, 5, 1, seed, true, true, 1, true, [offset1]);
ripple.copyPixels(ripple1, r1rect, r1pt);
ripple.copyPixels(ripple2, r2rect, r2pt);
ripple.copyPixels(ripple3, r3rect, r3pt);
ripple.merge(gradient, rect, pt2, 127, 127, 127);
dMap = new flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter(ripple, pt, null, 1, 100, 100, "WRAP");
water_mc.filters = [dMap];
r1rect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, ripple1.width, ripple1.height);
r2rect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, ripple2.width, ripple2.height);
r3rect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, ripple3.width, ripple3.height);
r1pt = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0);
r2pt = new flash.geom.Point(0, ripple1.height);
r3pt = new flash.geom.Point(0, ripple1.height + ripple2.height);

That’s it!!!


You can download an original *.fla file with layers here.

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Aug 27, 2007

Jungle camouflaged text effect.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

click on images to see their original size

Learn to create a jungle camouflaged text.

Let’s start with opening a new document, photo of the jungle:

Write you text:

Now, apply the following effects:

The camouflaged text effect is ready.

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Aug 21, 2007

Orange menu with a steel stroke.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

click on images to see their original size

Learn to create a stylish orange menu with a steel stroke.

Let’s start with creating a new document, with 350px by 300px with a black background.

Using a Rounded Rectangle tool create a rounded rectangle as on the picture:

And apply to it the following effects:

Now, with a Rectangular Marquee tool create a selection as it is shown:

After than create a new layer, and fill it with this gradient from up to down:

Our first button is ready:

Now, duplicate this layer as many times as amount of buttons you’re going to have:

Name each of this buttons:

How to show that one of our button is active? Easy, just marquee one of them, for example Products. Create a new layer, and fill it with this gradient:

After that, take a Pencil Tool with a diameter 1 px and draw inside two lines, with a #ffb45a color at the top of the button, and with a #ec8100 at the bottom. That is how our menu must look like:

Empty space in the top of the menu can be used as a place for your logotype, like this for example:

Let’s add a little highlight to it. Marquee the top of the menu:

Create a new layer, and fill it wit a gradient from white to transparency, like this. Press Ctrl+D to deselect. Our menu is done:

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