Apr 17, 2007

Stylish search bar.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

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In this tutorial, you will learn to create a stylish search bar for a website.

Let’s start with creating a new document, with 450px by 200px. As a background I used a gradiend from # 808080 to # 616161.

Select Rounded Rectangle Shape Tool with the following settings, and draw a shape:

Name that layer as “Shape 1”. Duplicate it by pressing Ctrl+J and name duplicated layer “Shape 2”. “Shape 2” layer must be above “Shape 1” layer. Now, apply to “Shape 2” layer following settings:

That is how it must look like:

Now, apply the following settings to the “Shape 1” layer:

Rasterize “Shape 2” layer, select a part of it with a Elliptical Marquee Tool (as it is shown below), press Ctrl+I to invert the selection, press the Delete button and after that – Ctrl+D to deselect:

Select the “Shape 1” layer by Ctrl+Click on it, and with a Rectangular Marquee Tool – cut the bottom of the selection, like this:

Create a new layer (above the “Shape 1” layer), fill our selection with white color and set the layer transparency to 30%. Press Ctrl+D to deselect:

Now, with a Rectangular Shape Tool draw a shape where the input field should be. And with a Arial font 17 pt write a “search” word in a button. Here is the result

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Apr 9, 2007

Stylish website navigation.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

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In this tutorial, you will learn to create a stylish website navigation design in Photoshop.

Let’s start with creating a new document, with160px by 220px, background is not important. Now, select your Rectangular Shape Tool and create a rectangle that is 40px tall, and about 160px wide. Color doesn’t matter, because we will apply the following settings:

Create a new document with 6 px by 5 px, clear the background, select a Pencil Tool (Master Diameter is 1px) with a color # 939393, and draw two points as it is shown:

Now go to Edit > Define Pattern, name it for example as “new_pattern” and click OK. After that, return to previous document, select our rectangle by Ctrl + click on a layer icon in a layer palette, create a new layer (name it also for example new_pattern), and than go to Edit > Fill:

After filling, go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with radius 0,3px and click OK. The result must look like this:

Now, create a new layer, select a Pencil Tool (Master Diameter is 2px) with a color # 696969 and draw a line at the bottom of rectangle. Change color to # 808080 and draw a line at the top of our rectangle. Like here:

Select our three layers, and group them by pressing Ctrl + G. Clone them by Alt + Drag to make 5 groups and arrange them as on the following picture:

Select the rectangular in the second group and apply this settings.

In the same group select the layer “new_pattern” and apply the following settings: color overlay # ffffff and set the layer opacity to 25%.

That is how one of our buttons is going to look like when it is selected, but that is not all:

It the same group #2 create a new layer, select a Pencil Tool (Master Diameter is 1px) with a color # ffffff and draw some kind of an arrow, and place it as it is shown below:

Now, select a strict pixel font (I’ve used the Alaska font) and write down your menu. That's it!

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Apr 5, 2007

Toxic text effect.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

click on images to see their real size

Creating a text effect as like a toxic waste was split on an asphalt.

Let’s start with opening a new document with a size 400x200 px. Fill it with a #505662 color:

Apply to it the following Noise settings, and our asphalt background is ready:

Now, create a new layer, and write a word “TOXIC” or whatever you want. I’ve used the Impact font with these settings:

Rasterize it, and set background color to #30ff00 and foreground color doesn’t matter, like here:

After that, go to Filter > Brush Strokes > Spatter, and apply there the following settings – Spray Radius: 15, and Smoothness: 5, then click OK. You should see something like that:

Now add this layer style:

And right click on an “Indicates layer effects” icon, then choose “Create layer”

Duplicate the Stroke layer:

Now apply to our “toxic's Outer Stroke copy” layer these settings:

And to our “toxic's Outer Stroke” layer – these settings:


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Apr 3, 2007

Stylish “login form” design.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

click on images to see their real size

In this tutorial, you will learn to create a stylish "login form" design in Photoshop.

Let’s start with creating a Rounded Rectangle with a Rounded Rectangle tool (the settings are shown below and the color doesn’t matter) and applying to it the following gradient overlay settings:

Now create two new layers, draw in each of them white Rectangle with a Rectangle tool and apply to them the following stroke settings. They are going to be our fields to fill.

Write the words “Login:” and “Password” using the following settings and place them as it is seen on the picture:

Now select our Rounded Rectangle (Ctrl + click on the layer) and with a Rectangular marquee tool (M) – cut the selection as it is shown below. Don’t forget to apply these settings to Rectangular marquee tool (M):

Create a new layer, fill our selection with any color, and apply to it these settings:

Deselect (Ctrl + D), and create a new layer. Draw an Ellipse with an Ellipse tool (the settings are shown below and the color doesn’t matter) and apply to it the following gradient overlay settings:

Now select our Ellipse (Ctrl + click on the layer), go to menu Select > Transform selection and transform it like on this picture:

Press enter, create a new layer, and paint inside our selection with a gradient tool as it is shown:

Press Ctrl + D to deselect.

Now, duplicate our Ellipse. Paint the previous one in white color, and transform it as it is shown here:

It must look like this now:

The next step is to select the white Ellipse (Ctrl + click on the layer) and with a Rectangular marquee tool (M) cut its bottom. Only the upper part must remain selected:

Now create this gradient:

Create a new layer (right next to the white Ellipse), and paint with a gradient inside our selection, to obtain this result:

Select a Custom Shape Tool, choose an arrow, with the following settings, and draw it on our orb-button:

Apply these settings to our arrow, to make it shine:

So, here is the result:

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